
Liberalism, Reaganism and the Presidential Campaign

Apparently it’s not enough for Bush to smear the American Civil Liberties Union and the “L” word. He has tried to smear the peace forces in this country by lying about our position on the testing of nuclear weapons.

Since 1982, the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign has consistently advocated a bilateral freeze on the testing of nuclear weapons. Bilateral means both sides! The freeze movement has never called for a unilateral freeze or unilateral cuts in our weapons! Our position has always been one of negotiating with the Soviet Union.

Bush says he’s glad that Reagan didn’t listen to us. Is he glad that the Soviets have been able to add over 3,000 strategic weapons to their arsenal because there was no freeze in 1982, 1983, 1984, etc.? Doesn’t he know (he really should, because since he wants to take credit for all the good things of the Reagan Administration, he must take credit for the bad) that over the years we’ve been negotiating arms agreements with the Soviets, both sides have added to their stockpile? Is he still glad that, because there is no comprehensive test ban treaty between the U.S. and the Soviets (which is the first step towards reversing the arms race), our military expenditures are $31 million an hour?


I’m delighted that Dukakis was an early supporter of the freeze, as were millions of Americans and many city and county governments, as well as five city councils in the San Gabriel Valley!

And the most recent poll taken by the Yankelovich Group in October shows that 86% of the people support a negotiated freeze! Isn’t it time that Bush stopped lying to us?


West Covina
