
For and Against Dornan’s Record

I, like Brenda Hester, am a resident of the 38th Congressional District. But I cannot call Bob Dornan my “representative” because he does not represent me, my family, or many of his constituents in any way, shape or form.

How can Dornan represent those he swore under oath to when he locks his district office doors during business hours on those who come to present an opposing view? It’s fact! I was there.

How can Dornan represent his constituents when he spends more time, at taxpayers’ expense, hopping around the country and the world promoting the Administration’s “foreign policy” than in his own district? It’s fact! He can’t.


And it’s fact that Bob Dornan, in the height of his self-serving arrogance, has refused time after time to appear in a public debate with his opponent, Jerry Yudelson. This man has no respect for his constituents or our democratic political process!


Garden Grove
