
Local News in Brief : Gallegly Endorsed by Police Group, Others

Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Simi Valley) has been endorsed for reelection by various organizations representing police, conservatives, small businesses and Armenian-Americans.

His record on crime was praised by the Peace Officers Research Assn. of California, which represents more than 31,000 law enforcement officers, and the National Assn. of Police Organizations, which has a membership of 80,000 active and retired police officers.

The National Conservative Political Action Committee and Americans for Constitutional Action, a conservative research and education organization, also endorsed him. NCPAC gave Gallegly a 95% rating on conservative issues, specifically citing his opposition to tax increases and his backing for President Reagan’s foreign policy.


The American Federation of Small Business, which has 25,000 members nationwide, said it is backing Gallegly because he supports “the free-market economy and less government regulation.” And the Armenian National Committee of America said it based its endorsement on Gallegly’s support for Armenian-related issues.

Gallegly is seeking a second 2-year term in the 21st District, which includes eastern Ventura County and parts of the western and northern San Fernando Valley. He is opposed by attorney Don Stevens of Thousands Oaks, a Democrat, and Libertarian Robert Jay of Westlake Village.
