
Homeowners and the Bistro Gardens

Oh dear, how easily we are influenced by hearsay. It appears people are under the impression that the Sherman Oaks Homeowners Assn. is out to “bash the Bistro.”

As a member of the association and a resident of Studio City, I feel some corrections have to be made as to people’s perceptions of the stand that the association and particularly Rose Elmassian are taking.

To believe that we are against the Bistro is a fallacy. What we are attempting to do is to ensure the placement of certain safeguards in order to protect the neighborhood from many unknown and unforeseeable problems that could always arise. This, after all, is the association’s job, and Rose Elmassian is merely carrying out the mandate given her by the committee and the membership.


Unless people are living in the immediate “impact” zone, right next to the project, they cannot be directly affected by cars blocking their driveways, patrons performing all manner of bodily functions over their flora and all the other horrors that have been witnessed occurring in yards directly across from other fine dining establishments in the area.

For those not affected, it is so easy to support a project such as the Coldwater development as long as it “isn’t in my back yard”!

There are plans for much more development in the area. Please don’t let us become complacent about our neighborhoods to the point where it all becomes too late.



Studio City
