
Local News in Brief : L.A. to Sue Over Waste Incinerator

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The Los Angeles City Council told the city attorney Tuesday to sue the city of Vernon to stop construction of a hazardous waste incinerator near the city limits.

The council voted 11 to 0 to approve a motion by Councilwoman Gloria Molina asking the city attorney’s office to stop the progress of a controversial $29-million project near a densely populated area in Southeast Los Angeles.

“Now it’s upon us to take action, so I’ve asked the city attorney . . . to file the proper lawsuit in this area to protect the residents of the city of Los Angeles,” Molina said.


Gov. George Deukmejian vetoed a bill Monday that would have subjected all hazardous waste incinerators to detailed environmental impact reports.

The proposed burner has won approval from the Vernon city government, which did not require an environmental impact report.

Donald Bright, spokesman for California Thermal Treatment Services that proposed building the facility, criticized the council action, saying it is “yet another example of the kind of political gamesmanship that has unfortunately reared its ugly head.”
