
Local News in Brief : 2 Hospitalized After Stabbing, Fight at Party

Participants in an early-morning beer party in a Saugus field apparently chased down and beat up a man who tried to flee after he stabbed another party-goer, sheriff’s deputies reported Sunday.

About 12:15 a.m. Sunday, the suspect’s assailants dragged him into the the Santa Clarita Sheriff’s Station from the scene of the stabbing, which was near the west end of Golden Triangle Road, said Lt. Edward Chenal.

“They inflicted some injuries on him in subduing him,” Chenal said. “We weren’t certain how serious it was until we transported him over to the hospital.”


Chenal said doctors at Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital discovered the suspect, 23-year-old Guy Bartlett, had a broken jaw and a bruised heart. He said Bartlett would not be arrested until he was released from the intensive care unit, but “he’s obviously not going anywhere.”

The victim, Jeffrey Crawford, 18, underwent surgery for a stab wound to his kidney and was listed in fair and stable condition at the hospital, while a nursing supervisor said Bartlett was in serious but stable condition.

Witnesses reported that the stabbing was provoked by an argument between the two men, Chenal said.
