
‘Evils of Two Lessers:’ Bush and Dukakis Campaigns

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George Skelton’s front-page article “The Times Poll: Presidential Nominees in 47%-47% Dead Heat” was discouraging (Sept. 14). That the most often expressed opinion of partisans of both candidates was “he’s a nice man” gives some idea about how informed a portion (perhaps a large portion) of the electorate is as to who is going to lead all of us for the next four years. Let them stay away from the ballot box unless they do their homework!

As a citizen who will certainly vote and who knows now for whom she will vote, I found it puzzling that Skelton did not address the results of one of the questions asked in the poll: “Do you think George Bush has told lies about the Iran-Contra affair, or not?” 49% replied yes, 25% replied no, and 26% replied don’t know. Even if most of the 49% who replied yes support Dukakis, it still means that some of the Bush supporters also believe he lied about Iran-Contra. And, they say, they are still going to vote for him!

Furthermore, 49% of those polled believe Quayle is “not qualified” to take over the presidency. Again, that response has to include Bush supporters. And they are still going to vote for Bush?

What have we come to in this country when some voters will cast their ballot for a candidate they believe lied about an illegal action of the Reagan Administration and whose running mate is not considered qualified to succeed him? Ponder this state of affairs, my fellow Times readers.



Los Angeles
