
Ex-Deputy Mayor Off Hook in Audit

From Times Wires Services

Former Los Angeles Deputy Mayor Tom Houston spent 22 1/2 hours of city time interviewing for a new job during his last months in office, but worked enough overtime to make up for the hours he missed, according to an audit released Friday.

The city controller’s office conducted the audit at the request of City Council President John Ferraro after publication of a Times article that quoted Houston as saying he spent most of his time looking for a job in the private sector at the end of his tenure with the city.

Later, Houston denied making the statement. He acknowledged scheduling some job interviews during working hours, but said he made up the time by working on city business at night.


Houston, now a partner in the law firm of Lewis, D’Amato, Brisbois & Bisgaard, said he routinely worked until 7 p.m. before he began looking for a new job.
