
Local News in Brief : NBC Officer’s Death Laid to Heart Attack

The Los Angeles county coroner’s office has concluded that NBC executive Jay Michelis, whose body was discovered at his Pasadena home on Sept. 10, died of a heart attack and not a drug overdose.

Although a toxicological report showed that Michelis, 50, had ingested “a low-level amount” of cocaine before his death, it was not enough to kill him, coroner’s spokeswoman Pat Smith said Thursday.

“The low level did not contribute to the cause of death, which was a heart attack,” she said.


Pasadena police had listed Michelis’ death as a possible drug overdose after discovering small quantities of a substance “resembling powder cocaine” near his bed, according to a police report.

Michelis was NBC’s West Coast vice president for corporate and media relations.
