
Bush Adviser’s Criticism of Dukakis Is Like the Pot Calling the Kettle Black

I find it quite humorous for an economic adviser to George Bush to criticize Michael S. Dukakis’ economic record (Times Board of Economists, “Dukakis’ ‘Miracle’ Only a Mirage,” Aug. 21). It is hilarious for anyone associated with the “voodoo economics” of the Reagan Administration, to use Bush’s term, to criticize anyone else’s economic record.

Under the Reagan Administration’s economic policies, the United States has gone from being the world’s largest creditor nation to the world’s biggest debtor nation.

I constantly hear Bush praising the fact that we are now in the midst of the longest economic recovery since World War II. The question is, at what cost has this “recovery” been realized? I wonder, does going from being the largest creditor nation to the largest debtor nation usually accompany an economic “recovery”? If so, I would hate to see what accompanies a recession, not to mention a depression!


The Reagan Administration’s claim of economic recovery rings hollow when all one hears from the economists who are asked about how long the economic expansion will continue is, “for as long as the United States can borrow money.”

I would suggest that Boskin concentrate on getting the Reagan Administration’s own economic house in order before he criticizes Dukakis for purely political reasons.


Los Angeles
