
Local News in Brief : Part of Suit Against Valerie Harper Cut

Lorimar Production’s Los Angeles Superior Court lawsuit against actress Valerie Harper was trimmed Wednesday by a judge who said he saw no evidence to support allegations that would allow the company to seek punitive damages from her.

Judge William Hogoboom said he was dismissing Lorimar’s allegations of fraud by Harper, bad-faith denial of an existing contract, and inducement by her husband, Tony Cacciotti, to breach their contract.

“I don’t see any evidence to support your claims,” Hogoboom told Lorimar attorney Donald Engel. But he said Engel could present additional evidence later in the trial to support the allegations.


Left intact by Hogoboom was Lorimar’s breach of contract complaint against Harper.

The actress and the production company are suing each other over Harper’s dismissal last year from the television show “Valerie’s Family,” now called “The Hogans.” Harper contends that she and Cacciotti, who was a co-executive producer of the show, were wrongfully fired.
