
Kennedy’s Whitney to Retire After City Baseball Playoffs

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Dick Whitney pleads innocent to charges of psychological maneuvering in announcing his retirement from coaching at the start of the City Section 4-A Division playoffs. Kennedy High’s baseball coach and assistant football coach said he just wants some time to himself.

Whitney, 52, revealed after Wednesday’s 19-1 first-round playoff victory over North Hollywood that he would retire at the end of the season. No replacement has been named.

“This isn’t supposed to give the players a big emotional lift or anything,” he said.

Whitney decided midway through the season to make his 28th year in coaching his last and informed his players of that decision after they clinched the Mid-Valley League championship. He will retain his position as math and physical education teacher and his job as athletic director.


Kennedy (19-9) will play defending champion Canoga Park at home today in the second round.
