
British Can Keep Stiff Upper Helmet, Thanks to Yak Hair

From Reuters

China on Friday flew an urgent consignment of military supplies to London for the British army--a sackful of yak hair to replace the thinning plumage adorning the helmets of the Queen’s Household Cavalry.

Tibetan tribesmen cut the coarse black hair from the underbellies of yaks in the Himalayan foothills after the Defense Ministry in London sent telegrams to British military attaches in Beijing and Katmandu.

“Urgent requirement for prime yak hair. Cut to regimental specification of 18 inches. Plumes wearing thin. Replacement plumes needed. Appreciate your assistance,” the telegrams read.


The 44-pound consignment cost $370 and is needed for the helmets of the Blues and Royals on duty at London’s Horse Guards Parade.

An army spokesman said the last consignment of yak hair was collected 40 years ago and this one is expected to last at least 25 years.

“It’s got to be the genuine article. Horse hair doesn’t look quite the same,” he said.
