
Notes about your surroundings.

ZOO LAB: Orange County schoolchildren are studying comparative anatomy and physiology through a new program offered by the Santa Ana Zoo. Zoo Lab, aided by a $36,000 grant from the Institute of Museum Services, allows youngsters to measure and compare the respiration rates of a horse, a human, a reptile and other animals; analyze bird feathers and bones; dissect and analyze owl pellets (regurgitated balls of undigestible fur, bones, etc.); compare articulated skeletons of reptiles, primates and other vertebrates, and assemble a model human skeleton. Younger students also will learn about the habits of birds through a puppet show with a toucan, a woodpecker and other bird puppets.

The sessions are used by Orange County teachers to supplement regular curricula and to provide hands-on experiences that schools do not have the resources to offer, said zoo education director Jennifer Rigby.

More than 5,000 elementary and secondary students are expected to attend Zoo Lab during its first year. Zoo Lab joins five other educational programs offered by the Santa Ana Zoo: the summer Zoo Camp, Zoomobile, weekend Family Workshops in Natural History, guided zoo tours and docent training workshops.


Information: (714) 836-4000.

EVENTS: Oak Canyon Nature Center in Anaheim Hills will have a nature film festival Saturday at 10 a.m. Information: (714) 998-8380.
