
They Walk the Line

It’s good to see that the striking members of the Writers Guild of America haven’t lost their sense of humor--yet. A trio of WGA wags have been distributing copies of Picket Lines, a humorous guide devoted to such matters as . . .

Picket etiquette: “I’ll be right back--I just have to tell that person his shoe is on fire.”

Definitions of hotly contested issues: “We’re demanding pay-TV increases from next to nothing to almost next to nothing.”

Fashion tips: “Wear dark glasses to avoid eye contact with ex-partners you’ve screwed and writers you’ve fired.”


However, our favorite gag was its depiction of a mythical “Pitch Tent.” Manned by movie executives “under the age 14,” the facility would provide “fashionably decorated office suites where writers can simulate pitch meetings.”

Suites include the “I Love It Just the Way It Is Except for One or Two Small Things” office (equipped with air sickness bags) and the “I Love It, Don’t Change a Word, You’re a Genius, Here’s a Check” office, which is described as follows: “Only one visit allowed per lifetime. Smelling salts available.”
