
Local News in Brief : ‘School Buy’ Drug Sweep

Undercover Los Angeles police officers posing as high school students made more than 230 drug purchases from 171 dealers in a spring “school buy” investigation, authorities said Wednesday.

Of those arrested since Feb. 9, 104 are juveniles, including 101 students, investigators said. Forty-six of the suspects are known gang members.

Police said “high-potency” marijuana remains the most popular drug on campus. But cocaine use is increasing, they said, and officers were able to buy it on all 10 of the campuses. Other drugs purchased included the hallucinogens LSD and PCP.


The high schools where undercover officers made drug purchases were Lincoln, Granada Hills, Polytechnic, Dorsey, Venice, Gardena, Belmont, Eagle Rock, Fremont and El Camino.
