
Adultery Charge in 40th District Congress Race

Here we go again with sleaze and smear in the 40th Congressional District. The coward who yelled “adulterer” at candidate C. David Baker and then ran from the meeting did not, in my opinion, deserve one line of press from you or any other newspaper.

OK, so now we know that Mr. and Mrs. Baker had a few months of strife in their 13 years of marriage. The other primary candidates, who claim to be blameless in the smear, are still taking the low road by saying he has not addressed the charge.

How refreshing it would have been to hear one of them say: “There is no place in this campaign for rumors or smears. Let us talk about the issues and our qualifications for this office.”


Well, I haven’t changed my mind about Dave Baker’s qualifications for the office of representative to Congress from the 40th District.


Newport Beach
