
Better Prospects

Regarding your April 24 article, “Job Prospects a Bit Slim for New MBAs”:

The story represented the career prospects for USC’s graduating MBAs based on a few conversations with students at a “Rejection Letter Party” and in the computer center. The attitudes the reporter encountered in this biased sample cannot be taken to represent the class as a whole.

I would like to make two points. First, most students who do not yet have job offers are not feeling “very down,” as one of our students was quoted as saying. Rather, they have irons in the fire and are confident they will get the jobs they want.

Second, the story did not comment on the many USC students who already have secured very desirable career positions. It should be pointed out to The Times and its readers that many of this year’s graduating class have jobs with excellent firms in banking, real estate, corporate finance, management consulting, advertising, marketing and entrepreneurial ventures.


Your paper is widely read and respected. This particular article will reflect on the impressions professionals across Southern California have about USC MBA graduates. For the sake of fairness, I request that you publish this letter to let your readers know that many MBAs have been successful in finding important, responsible positions in the business community.


Los Angeles

The writer is the vice president of the Assn. of Graduate Business Students at USC.
