
Danger to Skaters on Streets

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The death of two skaters (April 12) is truly a tragedy. However, I’m surprised that there are not more.

The city has “cracked down” on parking violators on certain streets during commute time. They should do the same for skaters and bicyclists during these same times. Bicyclists are not allowed on the freeways, yet they are allowed on major streets that are used to alleviate the heavy traffic on the freeways.

There is nothing more frustrating and dangerous than to be driving in bumper-to-bumper traffic with cars parked next to the curb, negotiating with bicyclists while dealing with the car to your left. A good example of this is on Los Feliz Boulevard or Cahuenga West between Barham and Hollywood Bowl. There are bicyclists there daily getting their morning or afternoon workout during “rush hours.” If traveling to or from work, they could take the bus or an alternate route.


Certain avenues should be restricted and should not allow skaters, bicyclists and minibikes on those streets, unless a bike path is provided, during commute times.


