
Studios Denied Landmark Status

The Los Angeles City Council has declined to grant historic landmark status to the Falcon Studios in Hollywood.

The complex of buildings at 5524-26 Hollywood Blvd. are where Errol Flynn, John Barrymore, Ronald Colman and other movie greats studied fencing under the late master swordsman and “Swashbuckler to the Stars” Ralph B. Faulkner.

With 10 members of the 15-member council present, the Wednesday vote was 7 to 3 in favor of granting landmark status. But that was one vote short of the eight votes required for passage.


On a motion by Councilwoman Gloria Molina, owners Paul and Tep Tan of Cerritos agreed to delay demolition of the site for 90 days to see if a buyer interested in preserving the site could be found.

The petition for landmark status was made by Hollywood resident writer-director Jonathan Polansky in February.

The complex includes fencing studios, a large dance auditorium and a collection of signed handprints of famous former students.
