
“D.C.Follies,” the syndicated sendup of fame, pomp...

“D.C.Follies,” the syndicated sendup of fame, pomp and circumstance, has a stable full of famous figures (in life-size form) that come in and out of each week’s segments (carried Saturdays at 7 p.m. on Channel 7).

It’s only natural that these elite would want to take in (or take on) the Academy Awards, and in fact they’ve been invited to be on Channel 7’s pre- and post-Oscar telecasts on Monday.

The pre-Oscar show will air from 5-6 p.m., leading into ABC’s coverage of the 60th annual Academy Awards at 6 p.m. When the final Oscar is handed out, ABC will air a “Barbara Walters Special,” and that will be followed by Channel 7’s wrapup of Oscar night.
