
Coming to Terms

I am writing to record my strong agreement with Jack Smith’s column of March 30 in which he concludes that Anglo “is inaccurate and pejorative, and as a Welshman, I resent it.”

Being of Scottish descent, I too resent it, although perhaps not quite so deeply as my Irish-American friends who will remind you that the Irish were a subject people of the English for hundreds of years.

Even though I am an Anglophile, and believe that strong Anglo-American relations are an important keystone of United States foreign policy, I recognize that in those uses, the word Anglo refers solely to things English--not Scottish, Irish, French, German etc.

The use of this word by The Times to describe all non-Asian, non-Latino, non-black peoples living in this city is inaccurate and to many of us insulting. Moreover, it is indeed frequently used as a pejorative expression by racially or culturally insensitive individuals.


Beverly Hills
