
CAMPAIGN ’88 : Dukakis-Jackson Ticket Is Rated Best in Poll

The Rev. Jesse Jackson could help the Democrats win if he is nominated for vice president as the running mate to Massachusetts Gov. Michael S. Dukakis, but Jackson would lose if he headed the ticket himself, according to a poll released Saturday by U.S. News & World Report.

The national telephone poll of 1,004 prospective voters, conducted Wednesday and Thursday by the Roper Organization, found that a Dukakis-Jackson ticket was preferred by 47% of the respondents, compared to 42% for a GOP ticket headed by Vice President George Bush with a GOP governor “such as Gov. (James R.) Thompson of Illinois” in the second spot. Eleven percent said they didn’t know.

The survey also found the Bush-Thompson team in a virtual deadlock with a Democratic ticket headed by Dukakis with Tennessee Sen. Albert Gore Jr. running for vice president. The GOP team was preferred by 45% and the Democratic team got 44%--a statistical tie, considering the poll’s 4-point margin of error.


In a head-to-head Bush-Jackson contest without reference to vice presidential nominees, Bush won easily--51% to 35%.
