
Support for Campus at Taylor Ranch

The California State University trustees will attempt to purchase up to 550 acres of Ventura’s Taylor Ranch for the University Center at Ventura. Most of us are aware of the huge cost and legal roadblocks. Nevertheless, we feel this site is the best one.

But it will take a little more than tons and tons of nickels and dimes.

During my high school days in my village a long, long time ago, we youngsters discussed how a group of Spanish settlers came across the ocean, landed in the Caribbean and started the first university of the Americas, the University of Santo Domingo, in 1538.

It took dreams, vision, motivation, determination and guts.

I attended that university only a short time, but I have its founders’ genes in my system. So I offer my modest support to Cal State and Ventura, on behalf of pioneers dead now nearly 500 years, who started a school from just a handful of sand and a few pebbles.



