
Flowering Plant Is the Perfect Gift

<i> French is a Los Angeles Times Magazine copy editor. </i>

When it comes time to get flowers for a special occasion, it sometimes seems almost a shame to buy cut flowers--they last but a few days.

Sometimes it seems silly to purchase something so mundane and expected as a big pot of mums or azaleas. Wouldn’t it be nice to find something in between?

There are situations when a smaller flowering plant would be perfect, one that lasts much longer than cut flowers and can be neglected for days--and that eventually can be planted in the garden.


The Paul Ecke Ranch is offering long-lasting, self-watering, flowering plants that stand between 5 and 8 inches tall. Each one grows from a thimble-size planter that is set in a clear-plastic case. The way it works: The “pot” is packed with a dense, rich, soil mix. A string runs from the pot down into the water at the bottom of the plastic case and acts as a wick, bringing moisture up to the root area.

Two kinds of flowering plants are available, developed for their brightly colored, long-lasting flowers, naturally compact habits and toughness. Kalanchoe has clusters of yellow, orange, pink, red, purple or violet flowers that shoot up from a bunch of thick, slightly scalloped leaves. The Persian violet ( Exacum ) comes in white or lavender flowers with yellow centers; its delicate roundish leaves are a bright green.

Once the flowers are brought home, they are easy to keep going. Only three simple rules are to be followed: Keep them in bright light (near a window is best); every few days add water to the case, and pinch off old flowers and leaves as they fade. Simple.


An idea for a no-fuss, instant bouquet of color: Put about a half dozen of, say, pink kalanchoes surrounded by lavender and white Persian violets in a planter about 5 inches in diameter.

Persian violets and kalanchoe will last for several months in their small containers. When the roots start to grow out of the bottom of the pot, it’s time to transplant the plant into a 4-inch pot. After that it can be transferred up to a 6-inch pot or planted outdoors.

The miniature potted flowers are available at many nurseries and florists shops. If you are unable to find them, call the marketing department of the Paul Ecke Ranch for a retailer convenient to you--(619) 753-1134.
