
The Nation - News from March 21, 1988

The Midgetman missile can do more to improve U.S. nuclear deterrence than putting MX missiles aboard trains, according to a House Armed Services Committee study. The report was critical of Air Force plans to put MX missiles aboard trains for transport on the nation’s railways during times of crisis. Rep. Les Aspin (D-Wis.), chairman of the panel, said that rail-basing plans “have been shelved twice . . . because of public opposition.” Under the plans, 50 missiles aboard 25 trains would be “parked” in shelters on bases, and, during a crisis, the trains would be dispersed across the rail network. The report said the smaller single-warhead Midgetman “program appears to be operating under a sound acquisition strategy emphasizing risk reduction, competition and a realistic schedule at a time when some strategic programs are experiencing severe difficulties.”
