
Local News in Brief : 2 All-Year Schools Given Air-Conditioning Money

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Two year-round schools in Santa Ana Unified School District were given a total of $747,919 in state funds this month for air conditioning and insulation, Assemblyman Richard Longshore (R-Santa Ana) announced.

Longshore and Stephen Rhoads, executive director of the state Energy Commission, recently presented a check to Santa Ana school officials for the state funds for Diamond Elementary and Franklin Elementary.

The money come from part of California’s share of fines paid by oil companies for overcharging consumers between 1973-81.


“During the 1973 and 1979 energy crises, we paid too much for gasoline and other petroleum products,” Longshore said. “Now, we’re getting some of that money back. And we’re placing it where it can do some good by giving it to our schools to improve their ability to use energy efficiently.”

Diamond and Franklin schools are among 37 in the state, and the only ones in Orange County, to get money from the special fund for air conditioning. The state Energy Commission is coordinating grants to schools that have year-round programs. Such schools have a bigger need for air conditioning because they operate during the hot summer months, according to state officials.
