
Reagan Says Contra Aid Foes in Congress Are Short on Courage

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Associated Press

President Reagan lashed out today at congressional opponents to Contra aid, accusing them of a lack of courage in the battle against communism in Central America.

In a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention, Reagan talked about the votes last week in Congress that left the rebels battling the leftist government of Nicaragua without U.S. funding.

The 216-208 vote defeated a Democratic plan to provide $30.8 million in food, clothing and medical aid to the rebels. The vote was scheduled by the Democratic leadership to forestall a House vote on an aid plan favored by the Republicans.


“Courage hasn’t exactly been the watchword of some opponents of Contra aid,” Reagan said. “ . . . Last week, aid opponents tried to pass the buck of responsibility for abandoning in the field the young men and women of the democratic resistance, and that ploy failed as it should have.”
