
Child’s Murder in Minnesota

I have been reading newspapers from top to bottom for years, and I have yet to come across articles so disturbing as the murder of Dennis Jurgens. Even though the events took place in 1965, it is inconceivable to me that such a crime could go unpunished when so many people were involved. It is easy for everyone to make excuses for not assuming responsibility because it was a different time back then. The reality is there can never be any excuses for the horrendous crime of a child’s murder now or at any other time in our past.

I wonder what excuses we will bring up in the year 2008 by our not assuming responsibility for child abuse cases, drugs, rampant gangs, and our glorification of guns and violence through all forms of the media. I am sick and tired of our lack of involvement, and hopefully this young boy’s unfortunate death can open some closed eyes.


Los Angeles
