
Local News in Brief : Mission Viejo : District May Increase Year-Round Schools

Faced with a growing school population and buildings already filled to capacity, the Saddleback Valley Unified School District announced that it is considering an expansion of year-round schedules.

Under year-round programs, classes at some schools would be held throughout the year, with students on staggered schedules, to maximize classroom space. More students can be housed in one school building under such an arrangement than when all students enter in September and complete the school year in June, school district officials said.

“For the 1988-89 school year, the only school that is being considered for year-round education is Trabuco Mesa, due to the severe overcrowding that will occur there next year,” said Ski Harrison, assistant to the superintendent.


“However, the district must also consider whether year-round education is necessary in other parts of the school district in future years as we continue to experience rapid growth coupled with a lack of adequate funds to build new schools.”

The school board will hold a public hearing on year-round schools at 7 p.m. April 11 at the school district’s headquarters, 25631 Diseno Drive, Mission Viejo.
