
Roundups of Aliens in Orange

It is sad to read about the treatment of Latino residents by the city of Orange police force.

We could allow ourselves to believe that the police sweeps for “illegals” is good for the community. We may even rationalize that it is even a good thing for Latinos, that “we are doing them a favor.” Nonetheless, we must make ourselves see the truth behind this new policy of Police Chief Wayne V. Streed. The truth is that this treatment of Latinos is part of a very dangerous xenophobia that can spring from anyone, especially if our “leaders” encourage this ugly, irrational hatred of those who look or act different.

Can we remind ourselves and our public servants that we value human rights? And demonstrate it with our admiration for the Constitution as a document we believe in, not only as a symbol, but as the law for respecting individuals, no matter what ethnicity, religion or race? We cannot afford to have our memories of our values fail us now.


How incensed would we be if we heard that Streed was arrested for jaywalking in downtown Tijuana and was being held as a drug-smuggling suspect? What if the Tijuana police believed that his credentials were false and considered charging him with impersonating an officer?

Plenty of us go down to Mexico to shop for bargains or just to have a good time. Are we not witnesses to the terribly arrogant double standard Americans are criticized for around the globe?

I am a Chicano with a college education, and this news has not made me more observant of the jaywalking laws. I am now more tempted to break this law because of the terrible insult the city of Orange has paid to my culture.


Leaders are supposed to be creative and to come up with positive solutions to problems, not to cause tension within the community. Stupidity is a virtue in the land of ignorance.

Orange County is my home. It pains me to see this flagrant disrespect of human rights. Maybe the real sweeps that are needed are inside of us, where that dreadful germ of prejudice sometimes grows.


Santa Ana
