
Jimmy Swaggart’s Tearful Confession

Once again the Christian community is grieving over the public disgrace of a TV evangelist. But we can take heart knowing that Christianity has survived persecution, scandal and corruption for centuries; not because we have been guiltless saints but because we are sinners who may go to the Lord for forgiveness.

In trying to raise Christian children, we constantly stress that although a moral life is expected from them, we realize that we all make bad choices, some more serious than others, but none too serious to be forgiven by God if we repent. Our lives will suffer from the consequences of our sins, but God gives us grace to rebuild our lives into something beautiful again.

Being a Christian requires that we stand up to face any humiliation, confess and repent so that God can make things right again. This includes everyone, including our pastors and our institutions.


Our prayers are with Mr. Swaggart, as well as Jim and Tammy Bakker, that they have found true repentence and forgiveness. Although they suffer the consequences of their sins, God can rebuild their lives if they will put him first in their lives.


