
Local News in Brief : Poll Supports Utility Tax

A survey of Rancho Palos Verdes citizens has given city officials confidence to proceed with a June 7 vote on a proposed extension of the city’s 5% utility tax.

The $8,500 survey, conducted in January by Opinion Research of California, polled 400 registered voters. The results were presented to the City Council this week by Donald Weddle, a vice president of the firm.

Of those surveyed, 72% agreed that the utility tax, passed in April, 1986, to pay for capital improvements such as road repairs, should be extended. The tax will expire in November if a majority does not vote to keep it.


“This survey shows we have a strong basis of support,” said Councilwoman Jacki Bacharach.

Mayor Robert E. Ryan said the council will probably vote March 1 to put the tax extension on the ballot.

On the issue of coastal development, 58% of respondents said they would like to see the commercially zoned Marineland site developed. Monaghan Co., which owns the property, has announced tentative plans to construct a 500-room resort hotel, a conference center, a sports club and homes on the land.
