
Ex-Marine’s Ride in a Stolen Jet

The mileage you have given an undisciplined “Walter Mitty” in your article “Ex-Marine Who Took Joy Ride in Stolen Jet” (Feb. 8) made me sick.

In this and previous articles, you have tried to make a hero out of a fake. His own poor judgment resulted in his personal injury when, not properly protected, he developed the bends at high altitude.

Showing him in his “hotshot” sunglasses and government-issued flight jacket was bad enough. However, when you presented him wearing a pair of Navy Marine wings, I got a bit “torqued out of shape.” Have you ever considered fact instead of fiction in your news coverage?

It is a shame that you and the public aren’t as interested in the highly skilled, well-disciplined young men and women who serve our country with distinction. They seldom get recognition in the press.


I hope these fine people will always remember there are many former real fighter pilots, paratroopers, infantrymen and sailors who appreciate what they are doing and are proud of them.


