
House Vote on Contra Aid

In regard to aid to the Contras, it boggles the mind that Congress supports aid to the Afghan freedom fighters, a position that is generally applauded, yet waffles when it comes to aiding the Communist resistance in Nicaragua. Clearly the Sandinista government poses a direct threat both to its neighbors and to the U.S. as well. What justification can there possibly be for this country to maintain a standing army of 100,000 men when its neighbors have only a militia?

Equally clearly, the Sandinistas are an extension of Soviet influence in this hemisphere, a wedge to be used to ultimately subvert the entire American hemisphere.

Much has been said about the peace process and how desirable peace is. To this I would say that peace is easy to achieve. One needs only to surrender and there will be peace! Of course, in so doing, freedom is lost but there will be peace. I am reminded that this freedom of which we speak was purchased for us at great cost by our valiant forefathers at Valley Forge and the like. The bottom line and our choice now is this: Send money now or send troops tomorrow!



South Pasadena
