
Local News in Brief : A First for Frozen Embryos

A California woman gave birth in Los Angeles to the world’s first triplets born from frozen embryos, it was announced Wednesday.

The triplets, a girl and two identical boys, were born 2 1/2 months premature at the California Medical Center’s California Reproductive Health Institute. The 35-year-old mother asked to remain anonymous, according to Dr. Richard J. Paulson, director of in-vitro fertilization.

“There have been instances of identical twins from frozen embryos but not of triplets,” Paulson said. Another unique factor of the births was that two of the babies came from the same embryo. He said all three were on respirators but were in stable condition.


The world’s first frozen embryo birth took place in Australia in February, 1985. The first such baby born in the United States was a boy born in June, 1986, in Santa Barbara.
