
Local News in Brief : Santa Ana : Replacement for Conny Wins With Sloppy Hello

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Man looked at dog and dog looked at man. After a few wary moments, the pair decided they were suited for one another.

Santa Ana Police Officer Mike Fleet signaled his approval by selecting the dog as his new canine partner. The malinois/German shepherd mix signaled his approval by lapping the officer in the face.

Fleet chose Vasko von Karthago to replace his longtime partner, Conny, a German shepherd that had to be put to sleep last week because of a crippling hip disease. Like Conny, Vasko is trained to respond to German commands.


Vasko was one of 13 police dogs brought to Southern California Friday by Adlerhorst Kennels International of West Germany. The animals were trained in West Germany and Holland. Fleet and others from the Santa Ana department, which needed a replacement for Conny and for another dog that did not work out, went out to a Riverside practice field Saturday to inspect the dogs. Fleet singled out Vasko from the pack.

“It narrowed down to a dog that performed well and a dog that I felt comfortable with,” Fleet said.

Vasko faces four weeks of additional training before he begins working with Fleet on patrol, the officer said.


Fleet said he is still grieving over Conny’s death.

“The hurt’s still there about losing Conny, but I have to get back to my job as a canine officer,” he said.
