
Basketball at UCLA Is Hitting Rock Bottom

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After watching the worst performance by a UCLA basketball team in my 40 years of following the team, I have to agree with some of the previous letters to Viewpoint. The game Dec. 21 against California showed that a team with little talent, but a lot of determination and hustle, can beat a UCLA team that, except for Pooh Richardson and Trevor Wilson, has demonstrated that it can’t play with intensity, doesn’t follow up shots, doesn’t block out and can’t play in a big-time league.

Coach Walt Hazzard keeps saying that the best days for this team are still ahead. With games coming up against Louisville, Notre Dame and Arizona, the Bruins will have to play much better to keep from being blown out and embarrassed.

Coaches at UCLA are working under a handicap because the entrance requirements at UCLA are higher than the NCAA requirements which means that out of the top 100 players in the country, only about 15 can meet the requirements at UCLA. This is a situation that must be corrected if UCLA expects to remain competitive. I’m still a Bruin rooter.



Van Nuys
