
Counter Proposal on Reparations

David Tamashiro’s proposal on redress/reparation for Japanese Americans (Op/Ed, Dec. 14) is not only unsettling, it is downright dangerous. He suggests “that each internee voluntarily contribute 1% of the settlement proposed by the House bill in order to pay the national debt.”

Though he cites a precedent for “going the third mile” in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, there is another story that we in the redress/reparation movement look to for historical inspiration: the movement to resist the camps on the grounds that not only were they immoral but also unconstitutional. Men like Frank Emi of the Heart Mountain Fair Play Committee fought for their rights and served time in Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary for their beliefs. It is with this courage and determination that I, a third-generation Japanese American, look to when I fight for redress and reparations on behalf of my ancestors.

With this in mind, I have another proposal for David Tamashiro and other loyal Americans:

Let’s put behind our differences and use the fighting spirit of the 442nd RTC and the resisters to “go for broke”;


Let’s put behind the Horatio Alger attitude of having to prove our loyalty in order to be real Americans;

Let’s put behind the “model minority” myth for it only serves as an insult to all people of color;

Let’s keep fighting for redress/reparations in order to give the Constitution life for all Americans.

The road to redress/reparations is not an easy one; but as Frank Emi and others who fought for their rights have learned, a price must be paid in the struggle for freedom and equality.

Justice now! Reparations now!


National Coalition

for Redress/Reparations

Los Angeles
