
‘Why Contra Aid Must End’

How refreshing it was to read your editorial “Why Contra Aid Must End” (Dec. 1). The answer you provided is obvious: End Contra aid and peace will prevail.

Of course, there is no need to ponder such wasteful and non-relevant inquiries as what happens to the 10,000-foot military runway under construction north of Managua? What happens to the 110 T-55 Soviet-made tanks in possession of the Sandinistas? What happens to the 75,000-man Sandinista army? What happens to the Soviet-made Hind helicopter gunships (the so-called “flying tank”) and armored personnel carriers? And, of course, what happens to the massive infusions of Soviet Bloc military aid that has kept the Sandinista “government” in power?

And last, if Contra aid ends, what will happen to the continued efforts by the Sandinistas to export terrorism, subversion and instability to neighboring countries?


When you have provided answers to all of these questions, that information may begin to answer the question of when peace will prevail in Central America.


Woodland Hills
