
Risk of Separation for Illegal Alien Families Under the Amnesty Law

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Thank you very much for the story of Anibal, the young refugee from El Salvador (“New Vistas for Salvador War Victim,” Metro, Nov. 5). This is one of hundreds of such cases that have been treated here. The doctors have done tremendous work in this area.

It is to be hoped that Ezell read the story. The next time he gleefully announces that 400 “illegals have been apprehended and shipped back to Latin America,” he should continue to say this has condemned 400 families to the misery and malnourishment that the present Administration has provided for Latin America.

The cockeyed policy that gives El Salvador President Jose Napoleon Duarte and the Nicaragua Contras bullets to kill and maim people and disrupt commerce is reminiscent of the Nazis “final solution” for Jews.


Ezell and Kurt Waldheim would feel at home on the same platform saying, “I only carried out the policies of my country.”


Los Angeles
