
On Trashing Bill Moyers

I was astonished by Rosenberg’s column.

Instead of welcoming the refreshing experience of hearing a spade called a spade, he attempts to discredit this unique and valuable contribution to public information.

Rosenberg has the idiocy to call for balance ! A hundred honest programs by Moyers could never hope to balance the flood of lies we are deluged with.

North, Poindexter, Secord, Reagan, Casey, Shultz and countless other sordid creatures have unlimited opportunities to disseminate their disinformation. The recent hearings were a fiasco because some questioners were eager to aid, abet and praise the lying scoundrels, while others were too cowardly or too stupid to ask the right questions.


Don’t worry, Rosenberg. A drop in the bucket from Moyers will not stop the brainwashing.


