
Obituaries : Robert M. Odell Jr., 63; City Treasurer From 1973 to 1986

Robert M. Odell Jr., retired city treasurer of Los Angeles and one of the first of Mayor Tom Bradley’s appointments in 1973, died Monday in St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Burbank. He was 63, and a hospital spokeswoman said he died of respiratory ailments.

Odell came to Los Angeles in December, 1973, to replace Robert Shadforth, who had retired in June of that year.

He earlier had been director of finance for the cities of Oakland and Garden Grove and was named to the then-$36,498-a-year Los Angeles job after finishing first in a Civil Service examination. He retired in 1986.


Odell was a graduate of Washburn University of Topeka (Kan.) and held a graduate degree from Syracuse University.

Survivors include his wife, Virginia, a daughter, son and grandson.
