
Save Belmont Park

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Many published statements about Proposition G to “Save Mission Beach Park (Belmont Park)” have been careless with the truth. That is nothing new. The proposition is far from moot!

Yes, the scheme was formally approved. It did take some railroading by certain city power brokers.

Yes, the decision will make traffic and parking problems worse. It will be harder, if not impossible, to get to the beach.


Yes, the developers have bulldozed the buildings. Commercial construction is well along.

Yes, the old, neglected buildings were a police problem. But the new ragged outlines ensure plenty of hiding places for whatever.

But, this proposition will protect the south parking lot, the land under the roller coaster and the coaster itself.

Proposition G tells the city: We don’t like high-handed gifts to greedy developers. Our parks need protection.


It is time to change the loose zoning for parks. The parks are for people, not profit.

Please urge and cast a YES vote on Proposition G.


San Diego
