
Tactics of 2 ‘Marine Heroes’

This is in response to the paid political ad that appeared in your Westside section, Sept. 27, by Assemblyman Gil Ferguson, an Orange County Republican, and Mickey Conroy, perennial president of the Armed Forces Retirees Assn. of California (AFRAC) and the California Veterans for Justice.

As a former Orange County resident and former member of AFRAC who recently moved to Los Angeles, I am very familiar with the activities and tactics of both these “gentlemen.”

Ferguson has the dubious distinction of often putting his foot in his mouth when discussing minorities. Japanese-Americans, women, Jews and others have been singled out by this legislator who is considered an embarrassment by most of his colleagues--Democrat and Repub-


lican--in Sacramento for his racist views. His concern now for the feelings of the Vietnamese community is, therefore, ludicrous and a smoke screen for his hatred of Tom Hayden and Jane Fonda.

Mickey Conroy has been, for many years, the Don Quixote of Orange County, ferreting out those he has decided are “un-American.” Anyone who would oppose his ideas of democracy and justice are ripe for his “Enemies List.” At the top of his list were Hayden and Fonda.

Surprisingly, both of these “Marine heroes” have opposed most legislation that would benefit the Vietnam veteran. Ferguson has one of the worst records in the Legislature when it comes to veteran and human rights legislation while Assemblyman Hayden has one of the best.


Both Ferguson and Conroy resemble throwbacks to the bygone days of Joe McCarthy and his cronies who found “commies, pinkos, and fellow travelers” under every rock. Who was saving who from what? If Ferguson and Conroy want to see who the real enemy is, they should start by looking in their own mirrors.


Beverly Hills
