
Noise Is Down at Grand Prix

The noise level at the Camel Grand Prix in Del Mar on Saturday was 8 to 10 decibels quieter than expected, according to monitoring officials at the Del Mar Race Track and neighboring hillsides.

“We seem to be staying below our predictions, and we’re very pleased,” said Trish Butler, an environmental planner hired by the Del Mar Fair Board to monitor the impact of the race--including noise--on the fairgrounds.

Not even the birds seemed ruffled by the roar of the racing cars, she said. Biologists watching the birds said none flew away with the start of the racing.


“They didn’t even seem to flinch,” Butler said.

She credited the less-than-expected noise readings to the use of plywood sound barriers positioned strategically around the 1.6-mile, 10-turn course.

Noise-monitoring equipment was placed within the fairgrounds as well as hillsides to the north and south of the racetrack.

The racing will conclude this afternoon.
