
Judge Allows Kevin Ross to Remain Free

Associated Press

Former Creighton basketball player Kevin Ross can remain free, a judge has ruled, despite a prosecutor’s argument that Ross poses a “threat and danger to the community.”

Ross, 28, is facing charges of criminal damage to property and aggravated assault after he went on a rampage July 23, tossing furniture over the balcony of a downtown hotel room.

He played at Creighton for three years but left there functionally illiterate. He is best known for attending a West Side alternative school run by Marva Collins, who taught him to read and to write.


During the July incident, Ross ripped out plumbing and tossed out furniture, causing about $10,000 worth of damage, according to Patrick McNerney, assistant Cook County state’s attorney.

After Ross was arrested, Collins helped find him a job in California. But in court Tuesday, McNerney told Judge Fred Suria that Ross had to leave the job when he was seen running naked at the site.

He returned to Chicago, but last week police arrested him for throwing rocks at Collins’ windows in the middle of the night, according to McNerney.


She did not press charges, and Ross was taken into custody by the Illinois Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities.

“Mr. Ross has had an emotional setback,” defense attorney Daniel Wolff told Suria. “He realizes that, your honor.”

Wolff said the Rev. George Clements has agreed to become Ross’ guardian if he is released by the mental health department.
