
McFarlane on the Contras

Why is it that former architects of failed U.S. foreign policies invariably write sagaciously about how our future foreign policy should be conducted?

Former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara recently told us--”Gee, folks, there never was any missile gap after all, and we sure better do something about this arms race which now threatens the world.” Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger expounds on a wide variety of foreign policy issues, talking as if he originated ideas which he ignored or opposed when he was a power player. Now we have former National Security Adviser McFarlane still pumping out the anachronistic Cold War rhetoric which has needlessly cost over 260 American lives and thousands of Nicaraguan lives during Reagan’s presidency.

And that is the common thread--through the foreign policy “wisdom” of “sages” like these, a lot of people got killed. It is time to stop taking them seriously.



West Hills
