
Debate on Bork Not a Referendum, White House Says

United Press International

A White House spokesman today accused the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Democratic leadership of trying to turn the nomination of federal appeals Judge Robert H. Bork to the Supreme Court into “a public referendum by appealing to special interest groups.”

Spokesman Marlin Fitzwater also lashed out against “the liberal big spending advertising campaign” against Bork.

Fitzwater appeared to reflect White House frustration in the campaign to win Senate confirmation of the controversial nomination of Bork to the high bench, and he discounted recent polls showing a swing away from the President’s nominee.


“This is not a public referendum,” he declared.

He said that generally, White House polls show a large number of those sampled have not made up their minds. He declined to give specific figures, saying “we have some numbers. The polls are shifting up and down.”
