
Governor Bills Signed:Auto Repairs: AB 642 by...

<i> Compiled by Jerry Gillam, Times Staff Writer</i>

Governor Bills Signed:

Auto Repairs: AB 642 by Assemblyman Lloyd G. Connelly (D-Sacramento) prohibits automobile insurance agents from taking kickbacks from auto repair shops in exchange for traffic accident business referrals.

Drugs: AB 1972 by Assemblyman Gary A. Condit (D-Ceres) provides an additional 15-year prison term for major drug dealers convicted of the sale of heroin or cocaine if the sale exceeds 100 pounds.

Murder: SB 736 by Sen. Daniel E. Boatwright (D-Concord) increases the penalty for persons convicted of solicitation of murder from two, four or six years to three, six or nine years in state prison.


Drunk Driving: SB 1365 by Sen. John Seymour (R-Anaheim) authorizes judges to order three-time convicted drunk drivers to attend a 30-month alcohol rehabilitation treatment program.

Lawsuits: SB 379 by Sen. Robert Presley (D-Riverside) sets up a three-year pilot program in Riverside and San Bernardino counties authorizing courts to charge attorney fees to a party who rejects a settlement offer in a civil suit and fails to do better in a trial.

Handicapped: SB 631 by Sen. Don Rogers (R-Bakersfield) allows the state to solicit and accept gifts, contributions and grants to establish an awards program to honor persons who contribute to employment of the handicapped. Bills Vetoed:


Peace Day: AB 1365 by Assemblyman John Vasconcellos (D-Santa Clara) would have required the governor to annually proclaim the third Sunday of May as Peace Day and assist in statewide coordination of community celebrations. Deukmejian suggested Vasconcellos instead introduce a joint legislative resolution that would not have the force of a state law.
